what we believe


GOD is the creator and sustainer of the universe.  He is one GOD, existing in three persons:


Jesus Christ

JESUS CHRIST is the eternal son of God.  He is the savior of the world, having atoned for our sins on the cross.  He is co-equal with the Father and the Holy Spirit.

Holy Spirit

The HOLY SPIRIT is fully God and indwells all christians.  He enters the believer at the point of salvation and intervenes with the Father on your behalf.

The Bible

The BIBLE is the inerrant, infallible Word of God. It contains the answers to life’s most important questions.


All men are sinners in need of God’s salvation, provided by Jesus Christ in His death on the cross.

Salvation is a free gift given to those who trust in Jesus Christ for forgiveness of their sins.


Heaven and Hell are real places, and every person will spend eternity in one of these destinations, based entirely upon one’s relationship with Jesus Christ.


Satan is a fallen angel who is God’s enemy and the embodiment of evil.  He seeks to harm Christians in this current world, and he is already doomed eternally.